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After lots of consideration (and breaking my promise to have a rest) I’ve decided to make A FEW Tortell(s) de Reis.

Please read carefully as production will be very limited and needs to be ordered with attention to detail.

We might continue this family tradition of fun indulgement by breaking a few norms.
We live abroad and it’s the 21st century, so why not. Let’s not judge, but choose.

Medium Sized ring of JOY!


I’ve been debating about the fillings with friends and family.

Massapà is, of course, the traditional option. But it’s also unpopular among many. Real marzipan is expensive, yet might be tossed/wasted.
So perhaps it’s not an option for everybody.
I shall make a minimum amount of this type. Or make them only by demand.

Whipped Cream is a crowd pleaser. Sure, you can have a Tortell de Nata all year around, therefore it’s not thaaat special.
But once you have the candied fruit, the bean and the charm and the crown, it is special indeed!
(Also, can you really have this in London, often?)
It is not a stable filling, though, as no stabilisers will be added. It might be easily squashed. So if the Tortell is to be transported, guarantees on perfect looks cannot be made.

Plain Tortell.
Yes. I went there. Why not?
It’s an enriched brioche, with plenty of flavour. With different toppings.
If you were to have it in the afternoon, you might even indulge in hot chocolate or make it into a tea party.
Or you can simply order it plain, because you will fill it up with your own whipped cream, or creme patissiere (have you tried a mix of both?). Or maybe you have some Cabell d’Àngel.
I will want pictures of your final result, and I will not judge!

DIY Nata!

Please consider your options and order as soon as you can.
Remember it has to be confirmed by me, paid in full and then re-confirmed.

I will produce a very small amount, and will allocate them on a first come first served basis.
Your preferred choice might not be available, so please be patient. I am doing what I can.


The original idea was to do only pickups.
I have managed to get my driver to agree on a small amount of deliveries. They will be charged at £10 (zone 1-4).
I will do pickups on the 5fth in the afternoon.
I will deliver on the 6th in the morning/noon.

Please kep in mind this is a long post where I get to explain the hows and the whys, but the info will be, as always, divided in the usual pages. Please do have a good look at all the info.

For more photos and rantings about this and other food, check our instagram @jovullrepetir

Let’s do this!

Somebody lucky found the King Charm in the cream!!!