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Cooking Instructions for Canelons

Move the canelons from the freezer to the fridge AT LEAST 24 hours before you plan to have it.
This way, it’ll thaw safely.

Pre-heat the oven to 180-200C.
Remove the plastic and the lid.
Some cheese and butter shavings might be stuck into the lid. Don’t waste it!
Once the oven is ready, place it into the centre rack and cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

Hot, but pale. Now go for GRATINAT!

By then, everything is hot and ready, but there won’t be much of a crust. We want them gratinats!
In order to get some golden colour and a nice crust on top, place it under the broiler for a few minutes.
It will happen very quick! Do not leave it unattended!
Once you are satisfied with the colour, they are ready to be served.

That’s the right colour!

Now just try to be patient enough not to burn your tongue.

Are you happy and proud of your #Canelons? Please share your photos! #JoVullRepetir