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Croquetes de Nadal

Why call it Croquetes de Nadal?
Just because they are the ones you’d be likely to eat by the end of Christmas week, possibly on New Year’s Eve.

As it was stablished in another post, Croquetes can be made out of many things. Including leftovers.

Ready to freeze

I will be making Croquetes de Nadal mixing different meats!
The base will be my good old Roasted Chicken, but I will also use the Carn d’Olla used for my Escudella.
It includes cuts of Beef, Pork, more Chicken and also some Cured Ham.
All that good meat that went into that heavenly soup is traditionally recycled for either Canelons or Croquetes.
Waste not want not!
I will keep up the tradition, transforming it into this glorious snack.

Grandmas would approve!

Deep Fried Christmas Flavours in a bite