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Panellets 2022

As mentioned in the Introduction to Panellets, there are many, maaaany types of Panellets out there. Their range might be based on local traditions, family favourites, or even new fashions.
But @JoVullRepetir always brings the #TasteOfHome to you by narrowing it down to the basics.

Our approach and strategy:
We studied what were the traditional and the bestselling options: the flavours or types that cannot be missing, or else it’s not Tots Sants.
We asked our dear Repetidors to help us with this task on social media.
First, they voted for their favourite Panellets. We narrowed it down to 5, then 4 types.
Then, we discussed their shapes and presentation.

It is worth noting that Catalunya is not a huge country but a small nation. But does that mean there is such a thing as homogeneity when it comes to food? Certainly not!
There are regional and even local differences.
Food is important: we have opinions, and we are not shy about them!
So once again, @JoVullRepetir’s goal is to cover the main bases and make the most of you happy. So while there’s a small chance that your favourite might not be featured this time, most of you will be satisfied.

Here are the results of our research.
Panellets 2022 is an assortment containing the Top 4 Panellets.
One row of 4 units of each type.
Except for Pinyons: There must always be a double amount of Pinyons! That’s 8.
20 Panellets in total.

The favourites. No discussion about it.
Google images: panellet: there he is! The undefeated winner.
The filling is marzipan based, shaped like a ball and covered with pine nuts. Lots of them.

The filling is again the basic marzipan mix, just like with pine nuts.
They are shaped like a Croqueta and coated in chopped almonds.
(And we are big fans of Croquetes!)

The filling is made of marzipan mixed with desiccated coconut.
Their shape resembles a volcano and it’s sprinkled with some coconut shavings.
The tip is painted with egg yolk, so it turns into an iconic toasty colour.

The filling is made of marzipan mixed with cocoa powder.
They are shaped like a flattened ball or a chunky disc. They are dusted with icing sugar before cooking and later decorated with some melted chocolate stripes.

Now that’s a yummy close-up!

As always, there will be more descriptions and details on Instagram.
There, you can find more information about our creations and how they came to be.
You can also contribute in the comments. We love to hear your opinions and your foodie memories.
(Not on socials? You can always email us!)
Please join the conversation 🙂